Capture CITP protocol
CITP is the Capture-specific open protocol that console and control software manufacturers can use to integrate with Capture. Capture is capable of sending back channel selection and fixture parameter information to lighting consoles and software that support the Capture CITP protocol. This feature can greatly improve the focusing time as multiple moving lights can be selected and then focused to the same position with only one click of the mouse. The CITP (Capture Interface Transport Protocol) is a two-tier protocol suite that can be used by any software or external devices to communicate with Capture software v3.0 and above. CITP has been designed not to rely on the underlying transport protocol, be it IPX, UDP, TCP, RS232 or MIDI. The transport tier of CITP consists of a message header with content information and support for fragmentation and stream synchronization. The second tier of CITP consists of the PINF, SDMX, FPTC and FSEL protocols that handle peer information, DMX data and fixture patch and fixture selection information flows. CITP is under constant development, in conjunction with the Capture software. The latest information and implementation status is available in the CITP Protocol Suite Specification [PDF file: 174kB]. See also: