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Common Internet error codes

Here are the most common codes and messages you're likely to see on your Web browser (HTTP), when accessing Usenet, using e-mail, or using the FTP protocol to upload or download files.

The codes can generally by grouped as follows:

  • 100-199 - Information Codes. Provide information about the request or the servers involved.
  • 200-299 - Success Codes. Indicate that the request was accepted or the requested file has no content (empty).
  • 300-399 - Redirects. Requested content has moved.
  • 400-499 - Client Errors. Cannot find content or you don't have the correct permissions to access it.
  • 500-599 - Server Errors. There is a problem at the server end stopping the request from completing successfully.

 Internet error codes
100 Continue  
101 Switching Protocols  
200 OK The request was successful
201 Created The request was successful and a new resource was created
202 Accepted The request was accepted for processing, but the processing is not yet complete
203 Non-Authoritative Information  
204 No Content The server has processed the request but there is no new information to be returned
205 Reset Content  
206 Partial Content  
300 Multiple Choices The requested resource is available at one or more locations
301 Moved Permanently The requested resource has been assigned a new URL and any further references should use this new URL
302 Moved Temporarily The requested resource resides at a different location, but will return to this location in the future
303 See Other  
304 Not Modified The requested resource has not been modified since the date specified in the If-Modified_Since header
305 Use Proxy  
400 Bad Request The server could not properly interpret the request. Normally means that either address hasn't been entered correctly or the page no longer exists.
401 Unauthorised The site being accessed is protected and you either entered the incorrect password or the host does not want users coming from your domain to enter.
402 Payment Required  
403 Forbidden You are not permitted to access this document. It is either password-protected or the host does not want your domain to enter.
404 Not Found The host server can't find the HTML document at the URL you've entered. Either you have mistyped the URL, the document no longer exists, or you've been given the wrong URL.
405 Method Not Allowed  
406 Not Acceptable  
407 Proxy Authentication Required   
408 Request Time-Out  
409 Conflict  
410 Gone  
411 Length Required  
412 Precondition Failed  
413 Request Entity Too Large  
414 Request-URL Too Large  
415 Unsupported Media Type  
500 Internal Server Error The server could not satisfy the request due to an internal error condition.
501 Not Implemented  
502 Bad Gateway The server received an invalid response from the server from which it was trying to retrieve information.
503 Out of Resources  
504 Gateway Time-Out  
505 HTTP Version not supported  
  Bad File Request The form you're trying to access is not supported by your browser or there is an error in the form.
  Cannot Add Form Submission Result to Bookmark List Occurs when you've submitted a search request and then try to save the result as a bookmark. Even though it may look like a valid address, the resulting page does not have a URL that can be reused so it can't be added to your bookmark list.
  Connection Refused by Host You're not permitted to access this document either because it's password-protected or the host doesn't permit your domain to enter.
  Failed DNS Lookup The URL you requested could not be translated into a valid Internet address by the domain name system. This is either a result of a mistake in the system or you could have mistakenly entered an incorrect URL
  File Contains no Data The site you accessed doesn't contain any Web pages on it.
  Helper Application not Found You're trying to load a file of a type that your browser doesn't recognise
  Host Unavailable The server computer that hosts this site could not be reached. The server may be offline or down for maintenance
  Host Unknown The server you're trying to reach is not connected, or you have ost your own connection. You may have also entered the URL incorrectly.
  Network Connection was Refused by the Server Some servers have limits on the number of people or request they can handle at a time. If you get this message, the server is probably too busy to handle one more user.
  NNTP Server Error This error occurs when you are trying to log on to a Usenet newsgroup. An NNTP server is part of your Internet service provider's software, so if this error occurs the software may be malfunctioning or the newsgroup does not exist.
  Permission Denied When connecting to an FTP site, can signify that you cannot upload to the site, download a certain file, or access a certain directory.
  Too Many Connections - Try Again Later The limit to the number of people who can use the site at one time has been exceeded.
  Too Many Users To avoid slow uploading and downloading rates, site administrators set a maximum number of users that can access the site at one time. Your request is one too many.
  Unable to Locate Host The server is either down for maintenance or you may have lost your connection.
  Unable to Locate the Server The server indicated in the URL you typed or clicked from either no longer exists or was entered incorrectly.
  Viewer not Found Your browser doesn't recognise files of this type.
  You Can't Log on as an Anonymous User You must have a valid username and password to log onto this FTP site.

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