Wind Direction
Wind is described by the direction from which it is coming (rather than the direction towards it is blowing).
This tradition was established during the sixteenth century, and persists to the present day. Wind direction is the most commonly recorded of all weather elements in nautical logbooks.
Directions are described using a 32-point compass and can thus be written as N, E, S or W (initials are nearly always preferred for brevity), or as SE, SbW etc. depending upon prevailing conditions. For scientific purposes such directions can, if necessary, be easily converted to degrees from North.
Wind Direction |
Direction (from) |
Abbreviation |
Degrees |
North | N | 0° |
North NorthEast | NNE | 22.5° |
NorthEast | NE | 45° |
East NorthEast | ENE | 67.5° |
East | E | 90° |
East SouthEast | ESE | 112.5° |
SouthEast | SE | 135° |
South SouthEast | SSE | 157.5° |
South | S | 180° |
South SouthWest | SSW | 202.5° |
SouthWest | SW | 225° |
West SouthWest | WSW | 247.5° |
West | W | 270° |
West NorthWest | WNW | 292.5° |
NorthWest | NW | 315° |
North NorthWest | NNW | 337.5° |
See also: