ISIS User Pool: Instrument Definition Files

Stage Color 300We would like to create a comprehensive list of definitions for new instruments that have not yet been added to the ISIS definition pool.

Please send us any definitions that you have created, or amended, in order that they can be shared between ISIS users and prevent everyone from creating the same files!

New instrument definition files, generated by, are provided below.

Right-click the definition and use the "Save As" option to save the file. Instructions for importing the definition files into the ISIS system are available for reference/download.

Please note that your ISIS system may already contain definition files with the same number as those given below. If this is the case, simply renumber the file and change the instrument ID in the second line in the file to the same number.

If you have any questions, please the webweaver, or use our on-line Helpdesk.

  ADB ISIS Instrument Definitions
Definition ID Description Version Link
Clay Paky
902 Clay Paky Miniscan HPE 2 00000902
903 Clay Paky Stage Zoom 1200 Full 1 00000903
904 Coef MP 250Z 1 00000904
905 Coef MP 700Z 1 00000905
906 Coef Performance 200 Show 1 00000906
907 Fineart Fine336 DM36 LED 2 00000907
High End Systems
915 High End Systems Trackspot 2 2 00000915
940 Martin Professional MAC 250+ Mode 4 2 00000940
941 Martin Professional MAC 500 Mode 2 2 00000941
942 Martin Roboscan 918 2 00000942
943 Martin Professional MiniMAC Profile Mode 4 1 00000943
944 Martin Professional MiniMAC Wash Mode 4 1 00000944
945 Martin Professional MAC 700 Wash enhanced 2 00000945
946 Martin Professional MAC 700 Wash basic 2 00000946
947 Martin Professional MAC 700 Profile enhanced 2 00000947
948 Martin Professional MAC 700 Profile basic 2 00000948
949 Martin Professional TW1 enhanced 2 00000949
950 Martin Professional TW1 basic 2 00000950
951 Martin MAC 250 Krypton 2 00000951
952 Martin MAC 250 Entour 2 00000952
Pearl River
908 Pearl River Pilot 150 1 00000908
920 Robe Spot 575 XT 16bit Mode 1 1 00000920
921 Robe Wash 575 XT 16bit Mode 1 1 00000921
922 Robe Colorspot 1200 AT 16bit Mode 1 1 00000922
923 Robe Colorspot 1200 AT 16bit Mode 2 1 00000923
924 Robe Colorspot 250 AT 16bit Mode 3 1 00000924
909 Showtec Studiobeam LED 7channel 2 00000909
Studio Due
930 Studio Due XS700 1 00000930
931 Studio Due XS600 1 00000931
910 Vari*Lite VL2000 Spot 1 00000910

Note: Version 2 definitions will only work in ISISPLUS software, but Version 1 definitions will work in both ISIS original and ISISPLUS software.
It is possible to convert Version 2 definitions to work with ISIS original software: please the webweaver, or use our on-line Helpdesk.

See also: