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ISIS software updates

ISISThis area provides details of the lastest public releases of ISIS and ISISplus software, information on beta software, and any known issues and workarounds.

It is now possible to install ISISplus software and the Linux OS on a console using a USB memory stick. If you wish to do this, please read our further information.

The current official software releases for ISIS platforms are given below. Further information on ISIS software versions and utilities is available on the ISIS software release history page.

  ISIS Software
 Current ReleasePrevious ReleasePrior ReleaseRecent Beta
Platform ISIS Build OS ISIS Build OS ISIS Build OS ISIS Build OS
Mentor v2.45 b641 v2.4.31 v2.44 b639 v2.4.31 v2.34 b569 v2.4.31 - - -
Mentor/XT v2.45 b641 v2.4.31 v2.44 b639 v2.4.31 v2.34 b569 v2.4.31 - - -
Phoenix/XT v2.45 b641 v2.4.31 v2.44 b639 v2.4.31 v2.34 b569 v2.4.31 - - -
Phoenix v1.54 b540 v2.01 v1.53 b533 v2.01 v1.51 b511 - - - -
Vision 10* v1.54 b540 v2.01 v1.53 b533 v2.01 v1.51 b511 - - - -
VMware™ v2.45 b641 v2.4.31 v234 b569 v2.4.31 v2.42 b599 v2.34
*  Some hardware modification is necessary for ISIS v1.45 and above on Vision 10 consoles

Current utilities for ISIS platforms are given below.

  ISIS Software Utilities
SoftwareVersionBuildOSRelease dateStatus
Boot Disk for CD or USB1.54-DOSNovember 06, 2006PUBLIC
WiFi Remote Control2.00-PocketPC WM6October 24, 2008PUBLIC
ParamEdit1.147WindowsMay 25, 2007Beta
Remote Screen1.3-WindowsJan 11, 2006Beta
ISIS Translator2.40-WindowsMay 15, 2007Beta
ISIS Translator2.21-WindowsJuly 28, 2005PUBLIC

Further information on ISIS software versions and utilities is available on the ISIS software release history page.

See also:

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