ADB ISIS: Integrated Software for Intelligent Systems [Discontinued]

A complete lighting software package with full functionality

ISIS ISIS Software

ISIS is a completely new, evolutionary software platform, able to control up to 6144 channels fully patchable to 16 DMX universes (8192 DMX addresses), designed with the most advanced development techniques, characterised by a perfectly structured architecture and open to further expansion and innovation for many years to come.

ISIS runs on a powerful real-time 32-bit operating system providing multi-user and pre-emptive multitasking capabilities with very short boot-up time. ISIS can be installed as an upgrade on all previous Vision 10 consoles and systems.

ISIS provides all operating functions one would expect from a high performance lighting control system, and in particular:

ISIS brings a major advance to the operator and end-user, as all operating functions are built in to the software package from the beginning. There is thus no additional cost for advanced functions such as remote operation, effects, backup and motion control. All software for the optional ADB Ethernet networking is included in the ISIS system, and is simply enabled with a security key.

ADB Ethernet Networking

ISIS provides, as standard, full ethernet networking capability to the lighting control system. The ADB Ethernet has been specifically designed to cover the needs for a wide range of users and applications. This provides a number of advantages to the user, and benefits to the lighting system as a whole:

Motion Control Operating Modes

Highest Takes Precedence (HTP) is the mode normally used with conventional lights, as they only have one parameter - intensity. This mode is used in ADB and most other manufacturer's lighting control desks. In this case, the highest level being generated by the working fields is the value sent to the output of the desk.

However with moving lights or scrollers, this mode is - in most cases - unsuitable. For this reason, ADB introduced an order of priority through the working fields, enabling a system of control to be implemented with the parameters. This mode of control is known as First Takes Precedence (FTP) within the ISIS software. The value sent to the output of the desk will originate from the first working field in the priority list. If the level of this field goes to zero, output will jump to the next field in the list.

FTP is a reasonable mode for motion control, but in some cases this is not powerful enough for the moving light programmer. In this instance, Latest Takes Precedence (LTP) is the solution. The value sent to the output of the desk in LTP mode will be from the last working field used. If the level of the working field goes to zero, this will be the output of the desk until another working field is used.

The strength of ISIS is in the combination of these three modes. Every channel (standard, colour changer, or moving light) can be individually configured in one of the three modes. In addition, each individual parameter of an instrument definition can be configured independently into HTP, FTP or LTP.

ADB Archive notes:

See also: