ADB Mentor: extension wing
The Mentor extension wing is designed for use with the Mentor lighting desk, and provides direct access to the available submasters. Up to four extension wings can be used with the Mentor - providing direct access to up to 96 submasters or 120 faders. Each Mentor extension wing contains 24 faders with selection buttins & flashkeys, as well as 6 macro buttons that can be assigned any user-programmed macro, or even any of the desk's functions. Each extension wing is delivered as standard with an ‘extension link’ cable of 1.5 metres, a set of self-adhesive numbering labels, and a power supply cable (230 V). Up to two extension wings can receive their DC supply voltage from the Mentor desk, via the extension link cable. However, each Wing is fitted with a built-in 230 V power supply for use when it is further than 1.5m from the desk, or in situations where more than two wings are used. By default, the extension wing is set to obtain its power from the Mentor.
See also: