Jump-Start is a small hand-held RDM and DMX512 programmer. As the new Remote Device Management (RDM) protocol gains acceptance, the DIP-switches on the rear of moving lights will gradually disappear. There is no need for them as RDM allows the lighting console to patch the lights. But what do you do when the lighting console is still in the truck? Or when you need to address a light in the workshop? Or if you want to check the temperature sensor? That’s where Jump-Start comes in! Plug it into the DMX connector and moments later you have a display of all the important information: Start Address, Footprint, Personality, Sensors, Temperature, Voltage, Lamp Hours to mention but a few. A couple of key presses are all it takes to edit the settings. You can even plug into the entire lighting rig and auto-patch all the lights! Have you ever stood in front of a light trying to remember which combination of channels mean ‘strike’? Jump-Start is so clever that it can simply ask the light to strike or dowse or self-test. Jump-Start also operates as a straightforward DMX tester. You can set individual channels to a level or have them ramp continuously. You can even store the channel settings to a memory. Two ‘AA’ batteries power Jump-Start. Talk time is around 12 hours and Standby time is about 6 months. Supported protocols
DMX512 functions
RDM functions
See also: