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Capture software FAQs

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The questions below are common enquiries. If you have a specific question that is not covered below, please the webweaver for assistance.

General  Is there a Macintosh version?

No, there is no Macintosh version and there is no such version planned either.

What are the system requirments for running Capture?

The recommended specifications are listed here.

Can I connect the demo to my console?

Yes! The only functionality removed from the demo version is the ability to save your projects. This means that you can use the demo with your console or other DMX source!

Does Capture support DXF files?

Yes! This feature is available in the Capture 2005 Extended package.

Note: Capture 3.0 software can both import and export DXF files, with limited functionality. Please read the DXF reference in the Capture 3.0 manual for more information about what is and what is not supported within the DXF format for this software version.

I have Capture 3.0 software, can I upgrade to Capture 2005?

Yes! Please for upgrade information.

Fixtures  Why does the library miss fixtures that I use?

Instead of putting considerable effort in extending the fixture library, fixtures are added when they are needed by a customer. When purchasing Capture you are entitled to free library updates with the fixtures you are missing.

Which fixtures are supported by Capture?

Fixtures currently included in the library are listed here.

How do I update the fixtures?

If you have requested a fixture or object, you will be sent or directed to the new library file. To update your library, follow the instructions below:

  • Download and copy it to the Installation folder in your Capture 3.0 installation folder (typically C:\Program Files\Capture 3.0\Installation). When asked if you wish to replace the existing file, answer Yes.
  • In the same directory, run the Library.exe program. This program will then update your entire library.

Setup & Operation  Is there a manual available for Capture?

Yes, the 'on-line' version is included with the software and is also available on the internet.

How many monitors does Capture support?

Capture software supports as many monitors as Windows and your graphics card permits. However, see below for restrictions on moving Capture windows!

What DMX input devices are compatible with Capture?

DMX input compatible boxes are listed here. Ethernet compatible consoles are listed here.

Troubleshooting  Why is visualisation not very smooth?

Visualisation, especially when using several fixtures, is an intensive process. Capture uses the OpenGL protocol for the visualisation, which means that industry high-end graphics cards can be used. These take the burden off the main PC processor. To resolve this problem, try the suggestions below.

  • Use a better 3D graphics card - preferably with at least 128MB or 256MB of RAM
  • Reduce the number of Live View windows
  • Reduce the size of the Live View window

I get the message 'You may need to configure a provider'

When setting up the DMX input universe(s), this message is displayed if Capture does not detect any DMX data. You need to configure or enable the relevant provider, be this one of the Ethernet protocols, the Capture USB DMX box or one of the supported third-party input boxes.

I can't get my DMX input box to work with Capture.

Please see the relevant product pages for user guides and setup information.

Why can't I drag the window into my second monitor output?

Now you can! Capture 2005 software features a unique 'undock' feature, allowing you to move windows to different monitors.

Note: The windows displayed by Capture 3.0 software are "child" windows, and cannot be moved outside of the master Capture window. This is the same restriction imposed on other software that uses multiple windows or panes, such as Microsoft Excel (try opening several Excel spreadsheets then use the Window>Arrange function). As a workaround in Capture 3.0, try resizing/extending the Capture master window across the two monitors, then move and resize the Capture windows.

Installation does not detect my previous version correctly, am I doing something wrong?

Due to a documented bug in Microsoft's Installer application, if you install under the option "Everyone" instead of "For Me", upgrade installations will not work properly. Also, anti-virus software is known to have caused problems during the installation process, so try disabling it if you have problems.

Capture freezes when creating or loading a show - what's happening?

When using an ATi graphics card, there is a bug in their graphics driver that can cause a problem in Capture. The solution to the problem, according to ATi, is to download the graphics driver for the Radeon series from August 2004. Please the webweaver for further details.

Using Avolites Consoles  I want to connect an Avolites console/simulator to Capture via Ethernet

Avolites support DMX to Capture using the ACDI and AvoACDIToCITP tools. ACDI can be purchased from Avolites and the AvoACDIToCITP tool is packaged with Capture. In order to use Capture 3.0 with Avolites consoles and simulators you need to purchase and install the ACDI software from Avolites.

When I start up the ACDI I get a message asking me to enter a licence key

This message appears because you do not have an ACDI licence. Before you can use the ACDI application you must purchase a software licence from the Avolites Shop.

I am using a USB to Serial port adapter and the ACDI status light stays on red.

Unfortunately the ACDI software from Avolites does not work with some types of USB to Serial port adapters. The only solution to this problem is to try another type of USB to Serial adapter.

I am using an Ethernet connection to the Diamond 4 but am not getting any DMX.

Before you can use the Ethernet option on the Diamond 4 you must enable DMX over Ethernet in the Diamond 4 User Settings.

See also:

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